Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cleaning up Projects

Today is the day I hope to finish the second rag quilt and the second skating quilt. I have another project already started I must get back to. Weather is beautiful, so will take the kids outside today after hubby returns from inlaws.

And toys .... did I mention toys all over my house. Apparently this is a job I was to do Friday nite, but opted going out with friends, and Saturday nite too. This should be my social quota for at least a few months now. But it was worth it, laughed alot. And got to eat sushi, right here on the island, and it was delicious.

Am going to try and shed a few more pounds over the next little while, licorice and chocolate have been hindering this progress, somehow before I know it, my stomach is thanking me for the treat!

Must get ready to head out the door to church.

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